Research Library: Mon, Thu 12–19, Tue, Wed, Fri 10–17 | Study Centre: Mon–Fri 10–17
Research Library: Mon, Thu 12–19, Tue, Wed, Fri 10–17
Study Center: Mon–Fri 10–17

Study Centre

The Study Centre is a branch of the TLU Academic Library located inside the university campus on the second floor of the Astra building (A205). The Study Centre is primarily meant for TLU students and academic staff for studying and research.

The shelves in the Study Centre include course books, subject packages, reference works, scientific periodicals and newspapers.

The computers in the reading rooms have SPSS, several computers also have RStudio program.

Phone 640 9180

Study Centre I floor

The first floor of the Study Centre has a circulation desk and social studies reading room with subject packages, scientific literature and course readings. There are also study rooms, a late night study hall and a computer classroom.

The room includes study materials in the following fields:

  • educational science
  • psychology
  • social work
  • sociology and demographics
  • law
  • politology
  • economics
  • organisation theory
  • history
  • anthropology
  • religion
  • research methods
  • statistics

The room also has a PHILIPS 2K (2560×1440) 32″ monitor. In order to retain the high resolution, you have to use a HDMI cable to attach the monitor to your personal laptop. The monitor comes with a keyboard and a mouse.

Subject packages contain required reading for TLU courses. There is usually only one copy of each book in subject packages at the library and they are only available for reading in-house (you can ask to borrow them overnight). The subject packages on the first floor are in the following fields:

  • government studies
  • law
  • psychology
  • sociology
  • social work
  • educational science
  • history
  • philosophy
  • academic writing
  • research methods

There are three group study rooms on the first floor (rooms nr A208-A210) and a seminar room with a projector (nr A207). Each room has a computer and seats 6-8 people.

Read more and book a study room HERE.

The self-service machine is located by the entrance on the first floor of the Study Centre. You can borrow books from the Study Centre and return books from any of the academic library branches using the self-service machine. Read more HERE

The Study room is open every day from 7–23 and is meant for research and study.

The room seats 31 people and has 4 computers available. IBM SPSS Statistics and RStudio are installed on all computers.

Outside of Study Centre opening hours (Mon–Fri 7–10 and 17–23, Sat–Sun 7-23) the study room can be accessed through a separate entry (Astra II floor, A206).

Please note! The separate entry is only accessible while the Study Centre is closed, otherwise you can enter through the main door of the Study Centre.

If you want to use books in the study room after the Study Centre has closed (Mon–Fri at 17), you must first borrow them. Subject package materials can be borrowed overnight. Read the general rules for borrowing from the Study Centre here.

Things to remember when using the study room:

  • Use the room for studying and research.
  • Be considerate of others.
  • Keep things clean, organised and quiet.
  • When you leave, make sure the furniture and computers are as they were before you came.
  • Don’t leave your personal items (incl books) in the room overnight. Use the lockers only while the Study Centre is open. Make sure they are empty and take all your personal items with you when you leave for the night.
  • The Study Centre is not responsible for items left in the study room.

The room has CCTV.

There are two printers on the first floor of the Study Centre, located behind the circulation desk. Photocopying, printing and scanning is self-service. A Print In City account is required to use the printer, which can be created HERE.

The computer classroom in the Study Centre is mainly meant for hosting database training classes. The classroom has 25 computers.

The computer classroom can be reserved through the Conference Centre by calling 619 9518 or emailing


Study Centre II floor

The second floor has a humanities reading room and individual study rooms. Our subject information specialists can also be found on this floor.

The room includes dictionaries, sheet music, a selection of Estonian magazines and newspapers  and study materials in the following fields:

  • language learning
  • literature
  • linguistics
  • philosophy
  • music
  • dance
  • theatre
  • art
  • media
  • communication
  • cinema
  • our Asian collection:
    • Arabia
    • China (incl the Confucius Institute’s collection)
    • India
    • Iran
    • Japan
    • South-East Asia
    • Korea
    • Middle-East
    • Persia
    • Tibet
    • Turkey

Subject packages contain required reading for TLU courses. There is usually only one copy of each book in subject packages at the library and they are only available for reading in-house (you can ask to borrow them overnight). The subject packages on the second floor are in the following fields:

  • linguistics
  • Estonian language and culture
  • Germanic languages and cultures
  • Romance languages and cultures
  • Slavic languages and cultures
  • Finnish language and culture
  • Asian societies and cultures
  • world literature
  • communication
  • art
  • music
  • dance

There are four individual study rooms on the second floor of the Study Centre (rooms A310–A313). Each room has a computer and seats 1–2 people.

Read more and book a study room HERE.

The second floor self-service machine is located by the staircase near the circulation desk. The machine can be used to borrow books from the Study Centre and return books from any of the academic library branches. Read more HERE.

The subject information specialists’ office is on the second floor (room A314). If you would like to learn how to use databases to find what you need, ask one of our subject information specialists. They can also help you with questions related to your study and research work.

Study Centre III floor

The third floor has the natural and information sciences reading room.

This room includes reference works, a selection of new scientific journals in other languages and study materials in the following fields:

  • environment and nature protection
  • primary school science
  • mathematics
  • astronomy
  • physics
  • chemistry
  • geology
  • biology
  • botanics
  • zoology
  • technology
  • geography
  • informatics
  • librarianship

Subject packages contain required reading for TLU courses. There is usually only one copy of each book in subject packages at the library and they are only available for reading in-house (you can ask to borrow them overnight). The subject packages on the third floor are in the following fields:

  • mathematics
  • biology
  • physics
  • geoecology
  • chemistry
  • environmental management
  • health behaviour and well-being
  • informatics
  • information sciences
  • natural sciences reference works